Vape Tricks You Can Do with Disposable Vapes

Vape Tricks You Can Do with Disposable Vapes

Posted by ART / ITM on Jun 30th 2023

Title: Vape Tricks You Can Do with Disposable Vapes

Vaping has evolved beyond just a smoking alternative; it has become a form of artistic expression for many enthusiasts. One aspect of this artistic expression is the creation of vape tricks, where vapers manipulate the vapor produced by their devices to create visually captivating effects. While disposable vapes may not offer the customization options of other vaping devices, they can still be used to perform impressive vape tricks. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of vape tricks that you can do with disposable vapes, highlighting their simplicity and visual impact. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced vaper, these tricks are sure to add some flair to your vaping experience.

  • The Ghost Inhale 
  • The Ghost Inhale, also known as the Snap Inhale or Mushroom Cloud, is a classic vape trick that is achievable with disposable vapes. To perform this trick, take a long drag from your disposable vape and let the vapor linger in your mouth without inhaling it. Then, quickly exhale the vapor in a ball shape and immediately inhale it back into your mouth. This creates the illusion of a "ghostly" ball of vapor that dissipates into thin air.
  • The Waterfall 
  • The Waterfall trick is an eye-catching effect that resembles a cascading waterfall of vapor. To perform this trick, take a drag from your disposable vape and exhale the vapor into a bottle or any container with a small opening. Gradually tilt the container upside down, allowing the vapor to flow out in a mesmerizing waterfall effect. The key to this trick is controlling the speed and angle of the container, creating a smooth and continuous flow of vapor.
  • The O's 
  • The O's, also known as the Smoke Rings, are a classic vape trick that can be performed with disposable vapes. To create O's, take a drag from your disposable vape and form your lips into an "O" shape. Quickly and forcefully exhale a small amount of vapor while simultaneously using your throat to push bursts of air forward. This motion will create circular rings of vapor that can be manipulated and blown in different directions with practice.
  • The Tornado
  • The Tornado trick is an attention-grabbing effect that creates a swirling vortex of vapor. To perform this trick, take a drag from your disposable vape and exhale the vapor onto a flat surface, such as a table or the palm of your hand. Quickly use your hand or any other flat object to create a circular motion around the vapor, forming a spinning column of vapor that resembles a tornado. With practice, you can manipulate the shape and speed of the tornado for a mesmerizing visual display.
  • The Dragon
  • The Dragon trick is a theatrical vape trick that creates the illusion of a dragon breathing out fire. To perform this trick, take a drag from your disposable vape and hold the vapor in your mouth. Tilt your head back slightly and exhale forcefully while opening your mouth wide, allowing the vapor to escape in a powerful burst. Simultaneously, exhale through your nostrils to create an intensified dragon-like effect. This trick requires control over your exhale and facial expressions to mimic the appearance of a dragon's breath.

Disposable vapes may lack the customization options of other vaping devices, but they can still be used to perform a variety of impressive vape tricks. The Ghost Inhale, Waterfall, O's, Tornado, and Dragon are just a few examples of the captivating effects you can create with disposable vapes. These tricks are not only visually appealing but also provide an avenue for artistic expression within the vaping community.

Remember to practice vape tricks in a safe and responsible manner, ensuring that you are in a well-ventilated area and away from flammable objects. Additionally, always respect local regulations and restrictions regarding vaping in public spaces.

So, grab your disposable vape, hone your skills, and prepare to wow your friends with these captivating vape tricks that showcase the artistry and creativity of the vaping community.